

8.MODAL 情态动词 (通常用于疑问句,表示建议或提议帮忙)能 You use can, usually in questions, in order to make suggestions or to offer to do something.

What can I do around here?...我在这儿能做点儿什么?
This old lady was struggling out of the train and I said, 'Oh, can I help you?'...我看见这位老太太正颤巍巍地下火车,就问:“嗯,我来帮您一把吗?”
Hello John. What can we do for you?...喂,约翰!我们能帮你做点什么吗?You can always try the beer you know — it's usually all right in this bar.你尽可以来点儿啤酒——在这家酒吧一般是允许的。

9.MODAL 情态动词 (用于疑问句时,can 表示礼貌的请求,而 can't 表示强烈请求) You use can in questions in order to make polite requests. You use can't in questions in order to request strongly that someone does something.

in AM, use 美国英语用 Mrs.

1.N-TITLE 头衔名词 夫人,太太(用于已婚女士姓名前) Mrs is used before the name of a married woman when you are speaking or referring to her.

Hello, Mrs Miles.您好,迈尔斯夫人。
...Mrs Anne Pritchard.安妮·普里查德夫人
...Mr and Mrs D H Alderson.D. H. 奥尔德森夫妇

3.PREP 介词 没有,不带(某种感情) If you do something without a particular feeling, you do not have that feeling when you do it.

Janet Magnusson watched his approach without enthusiasm...珍妮特·马格努森冷冷地看着他走过来。
'Hello, Swanson,' he said without surprise.“你好,斯旺森。”他说话的时候并未显得惊讶。

4.PREP 介词 …不在场;没有…参加 If you do something without someone else, they are not in the same place as you are or are not involved in the same action as you.

【语域标签】:FORMAL 正式

With a brief, almost peremptory gesture he pointed to a chair.他做了一个简单的手势,近乎霸道地指着椅子。peremptorily

'Hello!' the voice said, more peremptorily. 'Who is it? Who do you want?'“喂!”那声音更加霸道地说道,“谁啊?你要干什么?”

5.N-COUNT 可数名词 演出 A production is a play, opera, or other show that is performed in a theatre.

For this production she has learnt the role in Spanish.为了这次演出,她已经学会了用西班牙语演这个角色。
...a critically acclaimed production of Othello.获得好评的《奥赛罗》

6.PHRASE 短语 通过出示;通过展示;通过亮出 When you can do something on production of or on the production of documents, you need to show someone those documents in order to be able to do that thing.

'You know, people conveniently forget the things they say.' — 'Well this is it.'“你知道,人们会选择性地忘记自己说过的话。”——“嗯,是这样。”

12.PRON 代词 (用于电话、广播或电视中,表明身份或所代表的机构)我是,这里是 You use this in order to say who you are or what organization you are representing, when you are speaking on the telephone, radio, or television.

Hello, this is John Thompson...喂,我是约翰·汤普森。
'Hello, is this Raymond Brown?' — 'Yeah, who's this?'...“喂,是雷蒙德·布朗吗?”——“对,您是哪位?”
This is NPR, National Public Radio.这里是NPR,国家公共电台。

7.EXCLAM 感叹语 (用于句首表示惊讶、震惊或生气)哎呀,哟,嗨 People say 'Why!' at the beginning of a sentence when they are surprised, shocked, or angry.
【语域标签】:mainly AM 主美

Why hello, Tom...哎呀,你好,汤姆。
Why, this is nothing but common vegetable soup...啊,这只不过是普通的蔬菜汤而已。
Why, I wouldn't give the end off one of my fingers for all the money you've got!哼,我是绝对不会碰你那些钱的!

★☆☆ greet ●●○○○

1.VERB 动词 同…打招呼;向…问好;欢迎;迎接 When you greet someone, you say 'Hello' or shake hands with them.
【语法信息】:V n

【语域标签】:BRIT 英

7.N-COUNT 可数名词 诗行;歌词;台词;对白 A line of a poem, song, or play is a group of words that are spoken or sung together. If an actor learns his or her lines for a play or film, they learn what they have to say.

...a line from Shakespeare's Othello: 'one that loved not wisely but too well'...莎士比亚剧作《奥赛罗》中的一句台词:“一个在恋爱上不智而过于深情的人”
Every time I sing that line, I have to compete with that bloody trombone!...每次唱到那一句,我都不得不跟那该死的长号拼声音。
Learning lines is very easy. Acting is very difficult.记台词很容易。表演很难。

【语法信息】:V with quote

Momma babbled on and on about how he was ruining me...妈妈喋喋不休地念叨着他正如何毁掉我。
They all babbled simultaneously...他们同时叽里咕噜地说了起来。
'Er, hello, viewers,' he babbled.“呃,观众们,你们好,”他含混不清地说。

2.N-SING 单数名词 嘈杂声;含混不清的说话声 You can refer to people's voices as a babble of sound when they are excited and confused, preventing you from understanding what they are saying.

9.PRON-SING 单数型代词 (尤用于刚接通电话时询问、告知身份) You use it when you are telling someone who you are, or asking them who they are, especially at the beginning of a phone call. You also use it in statements and questions about the identity of other people.

'Who is it?' he called. — 'It's your neighbor.'...“是谁啊?”他问道。——“是你的邻居。”
Hello Freddy, it's only me, Maxine.你好,弗蕾迪!是我,玛克辛。

10.PRON 代词 (与动词 be 连用,强调突出某物) When you are emphasizing or drawing attention to something, you can put that thing immediately after it and a form of the verb 'be'.

1.VERB 动词 (由于羞愧或难为情而)脸红,涨红了脸 When you blush, your face becomes redder than usual because you are ashamed or embarrassed.
【语法信息】:V colour

'Hello, Maria,' he said, and she blushed again...“你好,玛丽亚,”他说,这让她脸上又泛起了红晕。
I blushed scarlet at my stupidity.我为自己的愚蠢羞愧得满脸通红。Blush is also a noun.

8.PRON 代词 (用于指明或询问身份) You use that when you are identifying someone or asking about their identity.

That's my wife you were talking to...刚才和你说话的人是我老婆。
That's John Gibb, operations chief for New York Emergency Management...那个人是约翰·吉布,纽约应急管理办公室的行动总指挥官。
'Who's that with you?' — 'A friend of mine.'...“和你在一块儿的那人是谁?”——“一个朋友。”I answered the phone and this voice went, 'Hello? Is that Alison?'我拿起电话,就听到这个声音:“喂?是艾利森吗?”

9.DET 限定词 (不需明确指出的情况下谈话对方即可能知道所指的人或物)那个 You can use that when you expect the person you are talking to to know what or who you are referring to, without needing to identify the particular person or thing fully.

There remains considerable doubt over when the intended high-speed rail link will be complete...人们对于拟建的高速铁路何时能竣工仍存有很大疑问。
There appeared no imminent danger...看不出有什么迫在眉睫的危险。
There rose before us the great pyramid of Gaza...雄伟的加沙金字塔矗立在我们面前。There developed a practice that came to a tragic and terrible end.逐渐形成了一种做法,其结局却很悲惨。

3.CONVENTION 惯用语 (用于 hello 或 hi 之后作为问候语) There is used after 'hello' or 'hi' when you are greeting someone.

'Hello there,' said the woman, smiling at them. — 'Hi!' they chorused...“嘿,你们好!”那个女人笑着对他们说。——“你好!”他们齐声说。
Oh, hi there. You must be Sidney.喂,你好。你一定是西德尼吧。

8.ADV 副词 …在吗(电话用语) You use there when speaking on the telephone to ask if someone is available to speak to you.
【搭配模式】:ADV with be

Hello, is Gordon there please?喂,请问戈登在吗?

9.ADV 副词 在那一点上(指别人谈话中的某个观点) You use there to refer to a point that someone has made in a conversation.

【语域标签】:BRIT 英

I do make him laugh. Don't ask me why, but I'll be saying something and he'll just crease up...我确实能让他笑。别问我为什么,不过我将要说的事肯定会让他大笑不止。
He's trying to say hello in Italian and he says goodbye in Spanish, it creases me up every time.他想用意大利语打招呼,结果却说成了西班牙语的“再见”,每次我都被逗得哈哈大笑。

I said congratulations and walked over to him and shook his hand...我向他表示祝贺,并走过去和他握手。
The Secretary emerged, a big fat man who quickly shook us all by the hand.这位大臣现身了,是一个大块头,他迅速和我们所有人都握了手。

17.PHR-RECIP 相互短语 (打招呼、道别、道贺或表示赞同时)与…握手 If you shake hands with someone, you take their right hand in your own for a few moments, often moving it up and down slightly, when you are saying hello or goodbye to them, congratulating them, or agreeing on something. You can also say that two people shake hands .
【搭配模式】:V inflects

12.VERB 动词 (尤指及时)遇到,联系上 If you catch someone, you manage to contact or meet them to talk to them, especially when they are just about to go somewhere else.
【语法信息】:V n

I dialled Elizabeth's number thinking I might catch her before she left for work...我拨了伊丽莎白的号码,心里想或许能赶在她去上班前联系到她。
Hello, Dolph. Glad I caught you.喂,多尔夫,可见着你了。

13.VERB 动词 使惊慌失措;使措手不及 If something or someone catches you by surprise or at a bad time, you were not expecting them or do not feel able to deal with them.

★☆☆ howdy

1.CONVENTION 惯用语 你好(非正式招呼用语) 'Howdy' is an informal way of saying 'Hello'.
【语域标签】:AM 美

★☆☆ hullo

1. →see: hello;

'Does it work?' he asked, nodding at the piano...“它能用吗?”他边问边朝钢琴方向扬了下头。
She nodded towards the drawing room. 'He's in there.'...她朝客厅方向扬了扬头说:“他在那里面。”
He lifted the end of the canoe, nodding to me to take up mine.他一边抬起独木舟的一端,一边扬头示意我抬起我这端。

3.VERB 动词 (用于打招呼或告别)点头,点头招呼 If you nod, you bend your head once, as a way of saying hello or goodbye.
【语法信息】:V n

★☆☆ hallo

1. →see: hello;

【语法信息】:V n

Hey, Terry, come and meet my Dad.嗨,特里,过来认识一下我爸爸。

4.VERB 动词 (初次)见面;认识;结识 You use meet in expressions such as 'Pleased to meet you' and 'Nice to have met you' when you want to politely say hello or goodbye to someone you have just met for the first time.
【语法信息】:V n

★☆☆ we've

1. (尤当 have 为助动词时,we have 的常用口语形式) We've is the usual spoken form of 'we have', especially when 'have' is an auxiliary verb.

'Hello, I don't think we've met,' Robert introduced himself...“你好,我想我们还没有见过吧,”罗伯特自我介绍道。
It's the first time we've been to the cinema together as a family.这是我们全家第一次一起去看电影。

It's hellish cold up here in winter.这里的冬天冷得要命。

★☆☆ hello ●●●○○

1.CONVENTION 惯用语 哈罗;你好 You say 'Hello' to someone when you meet them.

Hello, Trish...你好,特里茜。
Do you want to pop your head in and say hallo to my girlfriend?你要不要进来和我女友打个招呼?Hello is also a noun.

The salesperson greeted me with a warm hello.售货员热情地和我打招呼。

2.CONVENTION 惯用语 (打电话时的招呼语)喂 You say 'Hello' to someone at the beginning of a telephone conversation, either when you answer the phone or before you give your name or say why you are phoning.

A moment later, Cohen picked up the phone. 'Hello?'过了一会儿,科恩接起电话。“喂?”
Hallo, may I speak to Frank, please.喂,我找弗兰克。

3.CONVENTION 惯用语 (用于引起别人注意)喂 You can call 'hello' to attract someone's attention.

She could see the open door of a departmental office. 'Hello! Excuse me. This is the department of French, isn't it?'...她看到一个系办公室的门开着。“喂!请问,这是法语系,对吗?”
Very softly, she called out: 'Hallo? Who's there?'她轻声细气喊道:“喂?有人吗?”


★☆☆ golden hello

1.N-COUNT 可数名词 丰厚的见面礼,高额聘用金(劝服某人加入公司所付的一笔钱) A golden hello is a sum of money that a company offers to a person in order to persuade them to join the company.

Most people recognise the need to pay a golden hello to attract the best.大多数人都认识到需要用高额聘金来吸引精英人才。

★☆☆ good day

1.CONVENTION 惯用语 (问候用语,代替Hello及Goodbye)你(们)好,再见 People sometimes say 'Good day' instead of 'Hello' or 'Goodbye'.

★☆☆ wave ●●●●○

1.VERB 动词 挥(手)示意(或致意) If you wave or wave your hand, you move your hand from side to side in the air, usually in order to say hello or goodbye to someone.
【语法信息】:V to/at n

1.ADJ-GRADED 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词 想不到的;未预料到的;意外的 If an event or someone's behaviour is unexpected, it surprises you because you did not think that it was likely to happen.

His death was totally unexpected...他的死亡完全出乎意料。
He made a brief, unexpected appearance at the office...他出乎意料地在办公室露了一下脸。
Help may also come from some unexpected places...帮助也可能来自某些意想不到的地方。'Hello,' he said. 'This is an unexpected pleasure.'“嗨,”他说。“这真是个意外之喜。”unexpectedly

Moss had clamped an unexpectedly strong grip on his arm...莫斯突然紧紧抓住他的手臂。

★☆☆ howzit◙ exclamation, [S. African informal] [南非,非正式]
1. used as a greeting, equivalent to ‘hello’ or ‘how are you?’ • [用于问候,相当于 ‘hello’ 或 ‘how are you?’]你好
2. used to make a suggestion or request • [用于建议、要求]怎么样
»howzit for a small loan? 小笔贷款怎么样?

★☆☆ hullo
/ həˈləʊ /◙ exclamation
1. variant spelling of hello • 同 hello

【语源】1. first recorded, in this form, in T. Hughes' Tom Brown's Schooldays (1857)

★☆☆ green-eyed monster◙ noun
1. (the green-eyed monster)(informal, humorous)jealousy personified • [非正式,幽默] 绿眼怪兽(“嫉妒”的拟人化说法)

【语源】1. from Shakespeare's Othello [III. 3. 166]

★☆☆ Burbage
/ ˈbə:bidʒ /1. ɔichard (c. 1ˈ6ˌ–161ˌ), ənglish actor. He was the creator of most of Shakespeare's great tragic roles: Hamlet, Othello, ɚear, and ɔichard ɪɪɪ, and was also associated with the building of the Globe ðheatre • 伯比奇,理查德(约1567—1619,英国演员,扮演了许多莎士比亚的悲剧角色,如哈姆雷特、奥赛罗、李尔王和理查三世,并参与建立环球剧院)

»they would meet again after a decent interval. 他们在适当的间隔之后会再见面。
not likely to shock or embarrass others • 得体的,恰当的
»a decent high-necked dress. 得体的高领女装。
[informal] sufficiently clothed to see visitors • [非正式] 穿好了衣服的,穿戴停当的
»‘Hello, miss? Are you decent?’. “喂,小姐,你穿戴停当了吗?”。
2. [attrib.] of an acceptable standard; satisfactory • 过得去的,合意的,舒适的,满意的
»people need decent homes. 给我一杯好咖啡。

★☆☆ that
/ ðæt , ðət /◙ (pl. those )
1. used to identify a specific person or thing observed or heard by the speaker • [指已看到或听到的人或事]那,那个
»that's his wife over there. 在那儿的那个人是他妻子。
»hello, is that Ben? 喂,是本吗?
referring to the more distant of two things near to the speaker (the other, if specified, being identified by ‘this') • [指两个中较远的一个,与“这”、“这个”相对]那,那个
»this is stronger than that. 这比那牢固。

»homebuyers at the lower end of the market. 处于市场低端的购房者。
the part or share of an activity with which someone is concerned • 部分;方面
»you're going to honour your end of the deal. 你要执行你方的协议条件。
a place that is linked to another by a telephone call, letter, or journey • (电话线、信件或旅程的)一头;终端
»“Hello,” said a voice at the other end. “你好!”电话的另一端有人说。
the part of a sports field or court defended by one team or player • 半边球场
3. a goal or result that one seeks to achieve • 目的;目标

»I don't agree with you there. 在那一点上我不同意你的看法。
[with infinitive] used to indicate one's role in a particular situation • 在那儿(做)
»at the end of the day we are there to make money. 一天末了我们到那儿挣钱。
2. used in attracting someone's attention or calling attention to someone or something • [用于引起注意]喂;…啦
»hello there!. 嘿,你好!。
»there goes the phone. 电话铃响了。
3. [一般作 there is/are] used to indicate the fact or existence of something • 有…

(give something for)place a specified value on (something) • 为(某物)定价
»he never gave anything for French painting or for abstraction. 他从来都不认为法国绘画或抽象派艺术作品是有价值的。
[with obj.] used hyperbolically to express how greatly one wants to have or do something • [用于夸张,表示非常想要某物]放弃;付出
»I'd give anything for a cup of tea. 只要有杯茶,让我干什么都行。
»I'd give my right arm to be in Othello. 只要让我参加演《奥赛罗》,我断只胳膊都愿意。
communicate or impart (a message) to (someone) • 转达(或传递)(信息)给(某人)
»give my love to all the girls. 向姑娘们转达我的问候。

★☆☆ hello
/ heˈləu /◙ (也作 hallo 或 hullo), exclamation
1. used as a greeting • (用于打招呼或问候)哈罗,喂
»hello there, Katie!. 喂,卡蒂!。
used to begin a telephone conversation • (用作打电话开始语)喂
»Hello? Connor speaking. 喂?我是康纳。
[Brit.] used to express surprise • [英] (表示惊讶)嘿
»hello, what's all this then? 嘿,这是怎么一回事?
used as a cry to attract someone's attention • (用于吸引别人的注意力)喂
»‘Hello below!’ he cried. “喂,注意下面!”他叫道。
used informally to express sarcasm or anger • [非正式] [用以表达讽刺或恼怒]喂
»Hello! Did you even get what the play was about? 喂喂!这出戏讲的是什么你都搞懂了吗?
◙ (pl. -os)
1. an utterance of ‘hello’; a greeting • “喂”的招呼声;打招呼,问候
◙ (-oes, -oed)
1. [no obj.] say or shout ‘hello’; greet someone • 说(或大声叫)“喂”;打招呼

【语源】1. late 19th cent.: variant of earlier hollo; related to holla

1. [Brit.] a small shaped piece of confectionery made with sugar • [英] 糖果
»a bag of sweets. 一袋糖果。
2. [Brit.] a sweet dish forming a course of a meal; a pudding or dessert • [英] 甜食;布丁;饭后甜点
3. used as an affectionate form of address to a person one is very fond of • 宝贝,亲爱的(用作爱称)
»hello, my sweet. 你好,我的宝贝儿。
4. (the sweet)(archaic or poetic/literary)the sweet part or element of something • [古或诗/文] 幸福
»you have had the bitter, now comes the sweet. 你苦尽甘来。

★☆☆ hallo
/ həˈləu /◙ exclamation, noun & verb
1. variant spelling of hello • 同 hello

(stranger to)a person entirely unaccustomed to (a feeling, experience, or situation) • 对(情感,经历,情形)不习惯的人
»he is no stranger to controversy. 他对争论已习以为常了。
a person who is not a member or official of the House of Commons • 非众议院议员者,非众议院官员者

【IDIOMS】◘ hello, stranger!
1. (humorous)used to greet someone whom one has not seen for some time • [幽默] 嘿,稀客!(用于与很长时间没有见面的人打招呼)

/ seiˈʃelz /◙ (也作 the Seychelles)
1. a country consisting of a group of about ninety islands in the Indian Ocean, about 1,000 km (600 miles) NE of Madagascar; pop. 69,000 (est. 1991); languages, French Creole (official), English, French; capital, Victoria • 塞舌尔(印度洋上由约90座岛屿组成的国家,马达加斯加东北约1,000公里,即600英里;1991年估计人口69,000;语言有法式克里奥耳语[官方语言]、英语和法语;首都维多利亚)
2. The islands were uninhabited until the mid 18th century, when the French annexed them. The Seychelles were captured by Britain during the Napoleonic Wars and administered from Mauritius before becoming a separate colony in 1903 and an independent republic within the Commonwealth in 1976

【派生】♦ Seychellois adjective & noun \\2

★☆☆ Shakespeare
/ ˈʃeɪkspɪə /1. θilliam (1ˈ64–1616), ənglish dramatist • 莎士比亚,威廉(1564—1616,英国戏剧家)
2. His plays are written mostly in blank verse and include comedies, such as A Midsummer Night's Dream and As You Like It; historical plays, including Richard III and Henry V; the Greek and Roman plays, which include Julius Caesar and Antony and Cleopatra; enigmatic comedies such as All's Well that Ends Well and Measure for Measure; the great tragedies, Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, and Macbeth; and the group of tragicomedies with which he ended his career, such as The Winter's Tale and The Tempest. He also wrote more than 150 sonnets, published in 1609

【派生】♦ Shakespearean noun & adjective

★☆☆ phatic
/ ˈfætik /◙ adjective
1. denoting or relating to language used for general purposes of social interaction, rather than to convey information or ask questions. Utterances such as hello, how are you? and nice morning, isn't it? are phatic • (语言)交际性的,应酬的

【语源】1. 1920s: from Greek phatos 'spoken' or phatikos 'affirming'

a hellish experience   很糟糕的经历

★☆☆ hello
UK exclamation noun (UK also hallo) (hullo)
■used when meeting or greeting someone    喂,你好(用于问候或打招呼)
Hello, Paul. I haven't seen you for ages.   “你好,保罗。好久不见了。”
I know her vaguely - we've exchanged hellos a few times.   我对她不太熟悉——我们只有打过几次招呼。
I just thought I'd call by and say hello.   我正好想要去顺道拜访问候一下。
And a big hello (= welcome) to all the parents who've come to see the show.   非常欢迎所有来看演出的家长。
■something that is said at the beginning of a telephone conversation
"Hello, I'd like some information about your flights to the USA, please."   “你好,我想询问一些你们飞往美国的航班资料。”
■something that is said to attract someone's attention
The front door was open so she walked inside and called out, "Hello! Is there anybody in?"   前门开着,于是她走进去喊道:“喂!有人在吗?”
■said to someone who has just said or done something stupid, especially something that shows they are not noticing what is happening around them
She asked me if I'd just arrived and I was like 'hello, I've been here for an hour.'   她问我是否刚刚到,我回答她说“嗨,我已经到这里一个小时了。”
■an expression of surprise
Hello, this is very strange - I know that man.   嘿,这可真奇怪——我认识那个人。

■slightly drunk    微醉的
You got a bit merry last night, didn't you Cath?   你昨晚有点醉了,是吧,卡瑟?adjective
Merry Christmas!
■said at Christmas to wish people a pleasant Christmas period    圣诞快乐!
Hello, Phoebe. Merry Christmas!   你好,菲比。圣诞快乐!
The shop assistant wished me a Merry Christmas.   售货员祝我圣诞快乐。

 IMPROVER  transitive
■to welcome someone with particular words or a particular action, or to react to something in the stated way    问候;迎接;向…打招呼;对…作出反应
He greeted me at the door.   他在门口迎接我。
The teacher greeted each child with a friendly 'Hello!'   老师向每一个小朋友亲切地打招呼说“你好!”
The unions have greeted the decision with delight/anger.   工会听到这个决定非常高兴/愤怒。
transitive often passive

I find some of his habits rather unpleasant, disgusting even.   我觉得他的一些习惯很是令人讨厌,甚至可以说是令人作呕。
She has always been very kind to me, even generous on occasion.   她对我一直都很好,有时甚至还很慷慨。adverb
  Common Learner Errors   even   Warning: check your word order!   Even usually goes directly before the main verb in a sentence.
✗ I said 'Hello', but he even didn't look at me.   I said 'Hello', but he didn't even look at me.   But if the main verb is am/is/are/was or were , even usually goes directly after it:
✗ He even is rude to his parents.   He is even rude to his parents.adjective

■a title used before the family name or full name of a married woman who has no other title
Mrs Wood/Mrs Jean Wood   伍德太太/琼•伍德太太
[as form of address] Hello, Mrs Grant, how are you today?   你好,葛兰夫人,你今天怎么样?    Compare madam ; Miss ; Mr ; Ms
■used when expressing the idea that a married woman is typical of or represents a quality, activity or place

■strong in colour
Leslie always wears bright colours.   莱斯莉总是穿颜色鲜艳的衣服。
He said hello and I felt my face turn bright red.   他跟我打招呼,我感到自己的脸变得通红。
a bright shade of green   鲜艳的绿色adjective

★☆☆ howdy
exclamation US informal
hello    你好

★☆☆ hullo
UK exclamation noun countable (plural hullos)    UK

His life was touched by hardship and personal tragedy.   他的一生充满了艰辛和不幸。
They had only recently arrived in London when tragedy struck - their son was killed in a traffic accident.   他们刚到伦敦就遭遇不幸——儿子在一次交通事故中丧生。
[+ (that)] It's a tragedy (that) so many young people are unable to find jobs.   这么多的年轻人找不到工作,真是不幸。
■a play about death or suffering with a sad end, or this type of play generally    悲剧(作品)
Shakespeare's tragedies include 'Hamlet', 'King Lear' and 'Othello'.   莎士比亚的悲剧作品包括《哈姆雷特》、《李尔王》和《奥赛罗》。
In Greek tragedy, the role of the chorus is to express the audience's reactions to what is happening in the play.   在希腊悲剧中,合唱队的作用是表达观众对剧情发展的反应。

■very high and making people feel respect    高耸的
the towering walls of the Acropolis   雅典卫城高耸的城墙
■very great    杰出的,卓越的
a towering figure in the British art world   英国艺术界的杰出人物
Laurence Olivier's Othello was a towering performance.   劳伦斯‧奥利弗塑造的奥赛罗这角色十分出色。

intransitive or transitive [usually + adv/prep]
■to (cause something to) appear or stretch out from behind or through something else
Cathy poked her head round the door to say hello.   凯茜从门后探出头来打招呼。
The first green shoots are poking up/through the soil.   第一批绿芽破土而出。UK verb
poke fun at sb

Their grandchildren have brought sunshine into their lives.   他们的孙儿为他们的生活带来快乐。
■mainly UK informal
■used as a form of address, either in a friendly way, or to express unwillingness to accept another person's delays, bad behaviour, etc.
Hello, sunshine!   你好,亲爱的!
Come on, sunshine, get a move on.   快点,亲爱的,赶紧走吧。

★☆☆ hallo
UK noun countable (plural hallos)
 IMPROVER  mainly UK for


★☆☆ golden hello

Do you know the way to St Peter's church or are you a stranger here too?   你知道怎么去圣彼得教堂吗?你也是外地人吗?UK noun countable
be no stranger to sth formal
■to be familiar with a particular experience or activity    熟悉,对…毫不陌生
He is no stranger to hard work.   棘手的工作他见识多了。UK noun countable
hello stranger humorous
■said to a person that you know but have not seen for a long time
Hello stranger, I haven't seen you for weeks!   你好,稀客啊,有几个星期没见了!

For most people, grammar isn't a very sexy subject.   对大多数人来说,文法不是让人很感兴趣的东西。

★☆☆ Seychellois
(plural Seychellois)
noun countable
■Seychellois    塞席尔人

I hate it when there's no one in the office.   我讨厌办公室里一个人也没有。
I went there when I was a child.   我小时候去过那里。
I was just getting into the bath when the telephone rang.   我正要洗澡,电话响了。adverb conjunction
  Common Learner Errors   when   Remember: if you are using when to talk about something happening in the future, use the present simple tense.   Don't say 'when sth will happen', say when something happens :
✗ Say 'hello' to Sarah for me when you will see her.   Say 'hello' to Sarah for me when you see her.   However, if a clause beginning with when is the object of the sentence, it is possible to use 'will':   I don't know when I will see Sarah again.adverb conjunction
  Common Learner Errors   when or if?   Warning: choose the correct conjunction!   To talk about a situation that is not certain but may be true, or may be possible in the future, don't say 'when', say if :
✗ It would be better for the environment when everyone cycled to work.   It would be better for the environment if everyone cycled to work.pronoun

■to give a present or a sum of money to someone you love or who has provided good service to you    给…送礼品(或钱);给…谢礼
My Granny always remembers me (= sends me a present) on my birthday.   我过生日时我奶奶总是送我礼物。
My cousin remembered me in her will.   我表姐在遗嘱中给我留下一笔钱。UK verb
  Phrasal Verbs   remember sb to sb slightly formal
■to ask someone to say hello to another person for you    代(某人)问候(某人)
Please remember me to your parents.   请代我向你的父母问好。

They have developed a new process for extracting aluminium from bauxite.   他们创造出一种从铁矾土中提炼铝的新方法。noun countable UK be in the process of doing sth  ADVANCED 
■to have started doing something    在…的进程中
We're still in the process of decorating the house.   我们还在装修房子。noun countable UK in the process
■If you are doing something, and you do something else in the process, the second thing happens as a result of doing the first thing    同时,在…的过程中
I stood up to say hello and spilt my drink in the process.   我站起来打招呼时把饮料弄翻了。verb
 ADVANCED  UK US transitive

Senior pupils are expected to set an example to the younger children.   高年级的学生应该给低年级的学生树立榜样。    Compare junior
 IMPROVER  (UK and Australian written abbreviation Snr) (US written abbreviation Sr.)
■used after a man's name to refer to the older of two people in the same family who have the same name
Hello, may I speak to Ken Griffey senior, please?   喂,请问老肯‧格里菲在吗?UK adjective

★☆☆ ciao
■used for saying 'goodbye' and less often 'hello'    再见;你好(不太常用)

look out for number one informal
■to do what you think is best for yourself and not care about other people    走自己的路verb
look straight/right through sb UK
■to look at someone as if you cannot see them, either intentionally or because you are thinking about something else    对(某人)视而不见
I said hello but she looked straight through me.   我跟她打了个招呼,而她却对我视而不见。verb
look to your laurels
■to make an extra effort to succeed because there is more competition    更加努力

Oh, Douglas - be a (good) sport and give me a lift to the station.   噢,道格拉斯——拿出点风度来,顺便载我一程去车站吧。
⇨ See also spoilsport
countable Australian
■a friendly way of talking to a man or boy    老兄,哥们儿
[as form of address] Hello sport - how are you?   嘿,老兄——你好吗?UK verb transitive
■to wear or be decorated with something    穿戴;装饰
Back in the 1960s he sported bell-bottom trousers, platform heels and hair down past his shoulders.   20世纪60年代,他那时穿喇叭裤、厚底鞋,留着披肩长发。

I'll pop over and see you this evening. 我今晚就赶去看你。
Why don't you pop in (= visit us) for a drink next time you're in the area? 下次来到这一带时,就到我们这儿小酌一杯如何?
4. [VN +adv. / prep.] (informal, especially BrE) to put sth somewhere quickly, suddenly or for a short time (迅速或突然)放置:
He popped his head around the door and said hello. 他从门后探一探头,打了声招呼。
I'll pop the books in (= deliver them) on my way home. 我在回家时,顺便把书送过去吧。
Pop your bag on here. 把你的包放在这上面。

▪ a 'long shot
an attempt or a guess that is not likely to be successful but is worth trying 成功希望不大的尝试;把握不大的猜测;姑妄一猜:
It's a long shot, but it just might work. 没有什么把握,但也许行得通。
▪ long time no 'see
(informal) used to say hello to sb you have not seen for a long time 好久不见了
▪ not by a 'long chalk
(BrE) (also not by a 'long shot NAmE, BrE)

4. [VN +adv. / prep.] to cause sb / sth to be in a particular condition or place 使处于某种状况;使到某地:
to bring a meeting to an end 结束会议
Bring the water to the boil. 把水烧开。
The article brought her into conflict with the authorities. 这篇文章使她与当局造成冲突。
Hello Simon! What brings you here? 你好,西蒙!什么风把你吹来了?
5. to make sb / sth move in a particular direction or way 使朝(某方向或按某方式)移动:

Don't hit me. 别打我。
Excuse me! 劳驾!
Give it to me. 给我。
You're taller than me. 你比我高。
Hello, it's me. 喂,是我。
'Who's there?' 'Only me.' "谁在那儿?" "只有我。" HELP The use of me in the last seven examples is correct in modern standard English. I in these sentences would be considered much too formal for almost all contexts, especially in BrE. 后三例中 me 的用法符合现代英语的标准。若在这些句子中使用 I,几乎在任何上下文里都会显得过于正式,尤其是在英国英语中。noun (also mi) / mi: / (music 音) the third note of a major scale 大调音阶的第 3 音

11. [VN] to make sth from a material, using pressure 把…压成;压制:
to press a CD 压制一张光盘
The car bodies are pressed out of sheets of metal. 汽车车身是用板金压制成的。
▪ ˌpress (the) 'flesh (informal) (of a famous person or politician 名人或政治人物) to say hello to people by shaking hands 和群众握手致意
▪ ˌpress sth 'home
to get as much advantage as possible from a situation by attacking or arguing in a determined way 坚持不懈;争辩到底:

Her head nodded in agreement. 她点头表示同意。
▪ [VN]
He nodded his head sympathetically. 他同情地点点头。
She nodded approval. 她点头表示赞同。
2. ~ (sth) (at / to sb) to move your head down and up once to say hello to sb or to give them a sign to do sth 点头致意;点头示意:
▪ [V]
The president nodded to the crowd as he passed in the motorcade. 当总统的车队经过时,他向人群点头致意。

★☆☆ girl
girl / ɡə:l; ŋæmə ɡə:rl / noun1. əɔ] a female child 女孩;姑娘:
a baby girl 女婴
a little girl of six 六岁的小女孩
Hello, girls and boys! 孩子们好!
⇨ see also poster child
2. [C] a daughter 女儿:

★☆☆ glad-hand
'glad-hand verb [V, VN]
(especially of a politician 尤指政客) to say hello to sb in a friendly way, especially when this is not sincere 热情招呼;假意欢迎
• 'glad-handing noun [U]

★☆☆ greet
greet / ɡri:t / verb əʒŋ]
1. ~ sb (with sth) to say hello to sb or to welcome them 和(某人)打招呼(或问好);欢迎;迎接:
He greeted all the guests warmly as they arrived. 客人到达时他都热情接待。
She greeted us with a smile. 她微笑着向我们打招呼。

★☆☆ salutation
sa·lu·ta·tion / ˌsæljuˈteiʃn / noun1. əɔ, u] (formal) something that you say to welcome or say hello to sb; the action of welcoming or saying hello to sb 招呼;致意;打招呼;致意的动作
2. [C] (technical 术语) the words that are used in a letter to address the person you are writing to, for example 'Dear Sir' (信函中如 Dear Sir 之类的)称呼语

⇨ more at ear
▪ 'smile on sb / sth (formal)
if luck, etc. smiles on you, you are lucky or successful 有利于;垂青;带来好运noun the expression that you have on your face when you are happy, amused, etc. in which the corners of your mouth turn upwards 微笑;笑容:
'Oh, hello,' he said, with a smile. "嗨,你好。"他微笑着说。
She gave a wry smile. 她苦笑一下。
He had a big smile on his face. 他笑容满面。

★☆☆ salaam
sa·laam / səˈlɑ:m / verb əʒ , ʒŋ]
(in some əastern countries) to say hello to sb in a formal way by bending forward from the waist and putting your right hand on your forehead 行额手大礼(一些东方国家正式打招呼的方式,右手置额前鞠躬)
• sa·laam noun

★☆☆ howdy
howdy / ˈhaudi / exclamation (ŋæmə, informal, often humorous)
used to say hello (招呼语)你好:
Howdy, partner. 你好,伙计。

★☆☆ howzit
how·zit / ˈhauzit / exclamation (Sæfrə, informal)
used to say hello when you meet sb (打招呼用语)你好:
Howzit Mandla, how's it going? 你好,曼德拉,怎么样啊?
Please say howzit to Nicki for me. 请代我向尼基问好。

★☆☆ hullo
hullo (especially BrE) = hello

★☆☆ yebo
yebo / ˈjebɔ; ŋæmə -bɔ: / exclamation (Sæfrə, informal)
1. yes 是;对
2. hello 喂;你好:
Yebo Craig. Thanks for the email. 你好,克雷格。谢谢你的电邮。

★☆☆ yo
yo / jəu; ŋæmə jou / exclamation (slang)
used by young people to say hello (年轻人的招呼语)喂,嘿

⇨ see also wavy
▪ make 'waves (informal) to be very active in a way that makes people notice you, and that may sometimes cause problems 咋咋呼呼;大肆张扬
⇨ more at crest n., ride v. verbMOVE HAND / ARM 挥动手/臂
1. ~ (at / to sb) | ~ sth (at sb) | ~ sth (about / around) to move your hand or arm from side to side in the air in order to attract attention, say hello, etc. 挥手;招手;摆手;挥臂:
▪ [V]
The people on the bus waved and we waved back. 公共汽车上的人挥手致意,我们也向他们挥手。

★☆☆ welcome
wel·come / ˈwelkəm / verb1. ~ sb (to sth) to say hello to sb in a friendly way when they arrive somewhere (打招呼)欢迎(某人的到来):
▪ [VN]
They were at the door to welcome us. 他们在门口迎接我们。

★☆☆ hi
hi / hai / exclamation (informal)
used to say hello (用于打招呼)喂,嗨:
Hi guys! 嗨,伙计们!
Hi, there! How're you doing? 喂!你好吗?

ˌgolden 'handshake noun a large sum of money that is given to sb when they leave their job, or to persuade them to leave their job (一大笔)退职金,解雇费

★☆☆ golden hello
ˌgolden hel'lo noun a large sum of money that is given to sb for accepting a job 见面厚礼(给新员工的厚遇)

★☆☆ good afternoon
ˌgood after'noon exclamation used to say hello politely when people first see each other in the afternoon; in informal use people often just say Afternoon. (下午见面时用语)下午好,你(们)好(非正式场合常说 Afternoon)

★☆☆ good day
ˌgood 'day exclamation (old-fashioned, BrE)
used to say hello or goodbye politely when people first see each other or leave each other during the day (白天见面或分手时用语)白天好,你(们)好,再见:
Good day to you. 你好。

★☆☆ good evening
ˌgood 'evening exclamation used to say hello politely when people first see each other in the evening; in informal use people often just say Evening. (晚上见面时用语)晚上好,你(们)好(非正式场合常说 Evening)

★☆☆ good morning
ˌgood 'morning exclamation used to say hello politely when people first see each other in the morning; sometimes also used formally when people leave each other in the morning; in informal use people often just say Morning. (上午见面时用语,有时用作正式告别语)早上好,上午好,你(们)好,再见(非正式场合常说 Morning)

us / əs; strong form ʌs / pronoun (the object form of we * we 的宾格)
1. used when the speaker or writer and another or others are the object of a verb or preposition, or after the verb be 我们:
She gave us a picture as a wedding present. 她赠给我们一幅画作结婚礼物。
We'll take the dog with us. 我们要把狗带上。
Hello, it's us back again. 嘿!我们又回来了。
2. (BrE, informal) me 我:
Give us the newspaper, will you? 把报纸给我好吗?

★☆☆ hiya
hiya / ˈhaijə / exclamation used to say hello to sb in an informal way (非正式招呼语)喂,你好

★☆☆ aloha
aloha / əˈləuhə; ŋæmə əˈlouhə / exclamation a Hawaiian expression, used to say hello or goodbye (夏威夷问候语)喂,再见

★☆☆ curtsy
curtsy (also curt·sey) / ˈkə:tsi; ŋæmə ˈkə:rtsi / noun (pl. -ies or -eys)
a formal sign made by a woman in a dance or to say hello or goodbye to an important person, by bending her knees with six foot in front of the other (女子行的)屈膝礼
• curtsy verb (curt·sies, curt·sy·ing, curt·sied, curt·sied) (also curt·sey) :
▪ [V]

There was a court case resulting from this incident. 这一事件引起一宗案件。
The boy was afraid and the dog had sensed this. 男孩害怕了,狗已经察觉到这一点。
What's this I hear about you getting married? 我听说你结婚了,这是怎么回事?
3. used for introducing sb or showing sth to sb (介绍人或展示事物时用)这,这样:
Hello, this is Maria Diaz (= on the telephone). 喂,我是玛丽亚 · 迪亚兹。
Jo, this is Kate (= when you are introducing them). 乔,这位是凯特。
This is the captain speaking. 我是船长。

3. [VN] ~ your head to turn your head from side to side as a way of saying 'no' or to show sadness, disapproval, doubt, etc. 摇头:
She shook her head in disbelief. 她摇摇头,不相信。
4. [VN] ~ sb's hand ~ hands (with sb) (on sth) ~ sb by the hand to take sb's hand and move it up and down as a way of saying hello or to show that you agree about sth (与某人)握手:
Do people in Italy shake hands when they meet? 在意大利,人们见面时握手吗?
They shook hands on the deal (= to show that they had reached an agreement). 他们达成了协议,相互握手祝贺。

★☆☆ shalom
sha·lom / ʃəˈlɔm; ŋæmə ʃəˈlɔ:m / exclamation a Hebrew word for 'hello' or 'goodbye' that means 'peace' (希伯来语,见面或告别时说)祝你平安

★☆☆ air kiss
'air kiss noun a way of saying hello or goodbye to sb by kissing them near the side of their face but not actually touching them (见面或道别时的)撮唇示吻
• 'air-kiss verb
▪ [V VN]

The road was so narrow that cars were unable to pass. 道路太窄,汽车无法通过。
▪ [VN]
to pass a barrier / sentry / checkpoint 通过障碍;经过步哨旁边;通过检查站
You'll pass a bank on the way to the train station. 你在去火车站的路上会经过一家银行。
She passed me in the street without even saying hello. 她在街上与我擦肩而过,却连一声招呼也没打。
(especially NAmE) There was a truck behind that was trying to pass me. 后面有一辆卡车想要超过我。 HELP The usual word in British English is overtake. 英国英语通常用 overtake。 2. [V +adv. / prep.] to go or move in the direction mentioned 沿某方向前进;向某方向移动:
The procession passed slowly along the street. 队伍沿街缓缓行进。

▪ pass the 'hat round / around (informal) to collect money from a number of people, for example to buy a present for sb 凑份子(送礼);凑集金钱
▪ pass 'muster
to be accepted as of a good enough standard 达到要求;获得接受
▪ pass the time of 'day (with sb)
to say hello to sb and have a short conversation with them (与某人)寒暄,打招呼,闲谈一会儿
▪ pass 'water (formal) to urinate 小便;小解;解小手

SYN overlook :
They chose to pass over her rude remarks. 他们决定不计较她的粗鲁言辞。
▪ ˌpass 'through...
to go through a town, etc., stopping there for a short time but not staying 经过;路过:
We were passing through, so we thought we'd come and say hello. 我们路过此地,所以想来问候一声。
▪ ˌpass sth ↔ 'up (informal)
to choose not to make use of a chance, an opportunity, etc. 放弃,不要(机会等):

You were dead lucky to get that job. 你得到那份工作,真是太幸运了。
I was dead scared. 我怕得要死。
▪ cut sb 'dead
to pretend not to have seen sb; to refuse to say hello to sb 假装没看见,不理睬(某人):
She saw me, recognized me and cut me dead. 她看见了我,也认出了我,却不理睬我。
⇨ more at right n.

We moved to America when I was five (= five years old). 我五岁时我们移居到美国。
Shall we meet at five (= at five o'clock), then? 那么我们五点钟见面好吗?
⇨ see also high five
▪ ˌgive sb 'five (informal) to hit the inside of sb's hand with your hand as a way of saying hello or to celebrate a victory 与某人击掌问候(或庆祝胜利):
Give me five! 咱们击掌相庆吧!
⇨ more at nine

★☆☆ handshake
hand·shake / ˈhændʃeik / noun an act of shaking sb's hand with your own, used especially to say hello or goodbye or when you have made an agreement 握手
⇨ see also golden handshake

hell·ish / ˈheliʃ / adjective (informal, especially ɑrə)extremely unpleasant 极不愉快的

★☆☆ hello
hello (also hullo especially in BrE) (BrE also hallo) / həˈləu; ŋæmə həˈlou / exclamation & noun(pl. -os)
1. used as a greeting when you meet sb, when you answer the telephone or when you want to attract sb's attention (用于问候、接电话或引起注意)哈罗,喂,你好:
Hello John, how are you? 哈罗,约翰,你好吗?
Hello, is there anybody there? 喂,那里有人吗?
Say hello to Liz for me. 替我向利兹问好。
They exchanged hellos (= said hello to each other) and forced smiles. 他们相互打个招呼,勉强笑笑。
2. (BrE) used to show that you are surprised by sth (表示惊讶)嘿:
Hello, hello, what's going on here? 嘿,嘿,这是在干吗?
3. (informal) used to show that you think sb has said sth stupid or is not paying attention (认为别人说了蠢话或分心)喂,嘿:
Hello? You didn't really mean that, did you? 嘿?你不会真是那个意思吧?
I'm like, 'Hello! Did you even listen?' 我像在说:"嘿!你到底听没听我说呀?"
⇨ see also golden hello

▪ [VN-N]
Teenager Matt Brown is being hailed a hero for saving a young child from drowning. 因救起一名溺水儿童,少年马特 · 布朗被誉为英雄。
2. [VN] to signal to a taxi or a bus, in order to get the driver to stop 招手(请出租车或公共汽车停下):
to hail a taxi / cab 打手势叫住出租车/计程车
3. [VN] (literary) to call to sb in order to say hello to them or attract their attention 跟…打招呼;向…喊:
A voice hailed us from the other side of the street. 街对面有个声音招呼我们。
4. [V] when it hails, small balls of ice fall like rain from the sky 下雹:

★☆☆ hallo
hallo (BrE) = hello

That dress of hers is too short. 她那件连衣裙太短了。 pronoun / ðæt / (pl. those / ðəuz; ŋæmə ðouz / )
1. used for referring to a person or thing that is not near the speaker, or not as near to the speaker as another (指较远的人或事物)那, 那个:
Who's that? 那是谁?
That's Peter over there. 那边那个人是彼得。
Hello. Is that Jo? 喂,是乔吗?
That's a nice dress. 那件连衣裙很漂亮。
Those look riper than these. 那些看上去比这些熟一些。

I'm not going in there —it's freezing! 我不打算到那里面去,太冷了!
We're almost there (= we have almost arrived). 我们差不多快到了。
Can I get there and back in a day? 我去那里一天内能打来回吗?
I left in 1990 and I haven't been back there since. 我于 1990 年离开那里,从那以后再也没有回去过。
Hello, is Bob there please? (= used when calling sb on the phone) 喂,请问是鲍勃吗?
I took one look at the car and offered to buy it there and then / then and there (= immediately). 我只看了那辆汽车一眼,便当即表示要买下来。
3. existing or available 存在的;现有的;可得到的:

4. at that point (in a story, an argument, etc.) (故事、辩论等)在那一点上:
'I feel...' There she stopped. "我觉得…"她说到那儿停了下来。
I don't agree with you there. 在那一点上,我不敢与你苟同。
5. used to attract sb's attention (用以引起注意):
Hello, there! 喂,你好!
You there! Come back! 说你呢!回来!
There you are ! I've been looking for you everywhere. 原来你在这儿!我到处都把你找遍了。

Yes, I was at home on Sunday. What about it? (= Why do you ask?) 是的,我星期天待在家里。怎么了?
Stop it, you're hurting me! 住手,你把我弄疼了!
4. used to identify a person (用以明确身分):
It's your mother on the phone. 是你母亲来的电话。
Hello, Peter, it's Mike here. 喂,彼得,我是迈克。
Hi, it's me! 嗨,是我!
Was it you who put these books on my desk? 是你把这些书放在我桌子上的吗?

★☆☆ g'day
g'day / ɡəˈdei / exclamation (æustralə, ŋɛə) hello 喂;你好

the warm spring sunshine 春天和煦的阳光
2. (informal) happiness 欢乐;幸福:
She brought sunshine into our dull lives. 她给我们乏味的生活带来了欢乐。
3. (BrE, informal) used for addressing sb in a friendly, or sometimes a rude way (友好地称呼某人,有时显得不礼貌)朋友,老兄:
Hello, sunshine! 你好啊,老兄!
Look, sunshine, who do you think you're talking to? 喂,哥们儿,知道你在跟谁说话吗?

★☆☆ kiss
kiss / kis / verb1. to touch sb with your lips as a sign of love, affection, sexual desire, etc., or when saying hello or goodbye 亲吻;接吻:
▪ [V]
They stood in a doorway kissing (= kissing each other). 他们站在门口亲吻。

My favourite song was playing on the radio. 收音机里播放着我最喜爱的歌曲。
12. [VN] to act in a play, film / movie, etc.; to act the role of sb (在电影、话剧中)扮角色,扮演,表演:
The part of Elizabeth was played by Cate Blanchett. 伊丽莎白这一角色由凯特 · 布兰切特扮演。
He had always wanted to play Othello. 他一直想扮演奥赛罗。
13. to pretend to be sth that you are not 佯装;假装:
▪ [V-ADJ]

all together 一起;一齐;同时
SYN in unison :
'Thank you,' they said in chorus. "谢谢。"他们齐声说道。 verb to sing or say sth all together 合唱;齐声说;异口同声地说:
▪ [V speech]
'Hello, Paul,' they chorused. "你好,保罗。"他们齐声问候道。
▪ [also VN]

★☆☆ wotcha
wotcha / ˈwɔtʃə; ŋæmə ˈwɑ:tʃə / exclamation (ɑrə, informal)
used as a friendly way of saying hello to a person 你好;嗨:
Wotcha Dave—thanks for coming. 你好,戴夫——谢谢光临。

shy / ʃai / adjective (shyer, shy·est)
1. (of people 人) nervous or embarrassed about meeting and speaking to other people 羞怯的;腼腆的;怕生的
SYN timid :
a quiet, shy man 腼腆、不大说话的人
Don't be shy—come and say hello. 别害羞——过来问个好。
She was too shy to ask anyone for help. 她太腼腆,不愿向任何人求助。
As a teenager I was painfully shy. 我十几岁的时候腼腆得很。

★☆☆ me-too
ˌme-'too adjective [only before noun]
(BrE, informal) done or produced because of sth successful that sb else has done 仿效别人(成功之事)的:
The magazine 'Hello!' gave rise to a number of me-too publications. 《你好!》杂志带动了许多效仿它的刊物问世。

say / sei / verb(says / sez / said, said / sed / )
SPəæK 说
1. ~ sth (to sb) to speak or tell sb sth, using words 说;讲;告诉:
▪ [V speech]
'Hello!' she said. "喂!"她说。
'That was marvellous,' said Daniel. "好极了。"丹尼尔说。 HELP In stories the subject often comes after said, says or say when it follows the actual words spoken, unless it is a pronoun. 在故事、小说中用于直接引语后面时,往往先出 said、says 或 say,再出主语,除非主语是代词。▪ [VN]
Be quiet, I have something to say. 安静,我有话要说。

★☆☆ bow
bow¹ / bau /
⇨ see also bow ²verb1. əʒ] ~ (down) (to / before sb / sth) to move your head or the top half of your body forwards and downwards as a sign of respect or to say hello or goodbye 鞠躬;点头:
He bowed low to the assembled crowd. 他向集结的人群深深地鞠了一躬。
The people all bowed down before the Emperor. 全体给皇帝鞠躬。

She has finally decided it's time to bow out of international tennis. 她最终认定是退出世界网坛的时候了。
▪ 'bow to sth
to agree unwillingly to do sth because other people want you to 勉强同意做(某事);屈从于:
They finally bowed to pressure from the public. 他们终于在公众的压力下让步了。
She bowed to the inevitable (= accepted a situation in which she had no choice) and resigned. 她迫于无奈,只得辞职。 noun1. the act of bending your head or the upper part of your body forward in order to say hello or goodbye to sb or to show respect 鞠躬;弯腰行礼
2. (also bows [pl.]) the front part of a boat or ship 船头;艏
⇨ compare stern n.

• Your action has rendered our contract invalid. 你们的这种做法导致双方的合同失效.

[Tn esp passive 尤用於被动语态] give a performance of (music, a play, a character, etc); give a portrayal of (sb/sth) in painting, etc 演奏(音乐); 演出(戏剧); 扮演(角色); 以绘画等表现(某人[某物]):
• The piano solo was well rendered. 那支钢琴独奏曲弹得真好.
• `Othello' was rendered rather poorly. 《奥赛罗》这出戏演得不好.
• The artist had rendered her gentle smile perfectly. 该艺术家把她那温柔的笑容表现得惟妙惟肖.

/ seI; se/ v (3rd pers sing pres t says / sez; sZz/, pt, pp said / sed; sZd/)

( a) [Tn,, Tf,, Dpr.f, Dpr.w] ~ sth (to sb) tell sth (to sb), usu in words 说;讲:
• Did you say `Please'? 你说‘请’这个字了吗?
• `Hello!' I said. ‘喂!’我说.
• She said nothing to me about it. 这件事她完全没对我说过.
• He said (that) his friend's name was Sam. 他说他朋友的名字叫山姆.

■ smile v
1. [I, Ipr] ~ (at sb/sth) give a smile or smiles 微笑:
• smile happily, with pleasure, etc 幸福地﹑ 高兴地...微笑
• He never smiles. 他从不露笑脸.
• I smiled at the child and said `Hello'. 我朝那小孩笑了笑说: ‘你好’.
2. [Tn] express (sth) by means of a smile 以微笑表示(某信息):
• She smiled her approval. 她以微笑表示同意.

(b) [C] cube or teaspoonful of sugar 一块方糖; 一茶匙糖:
• Two sugars in my coffee, please! 请在我的咖啡里放两块方糖!

(infml 口 esp US) (used as a form of address to sb one likes 用作亲热的称呼语):
Hello, sugar, nice to see you! 喂, 亲爱的, 见到你真高兴!

■ sugar v [Tn]

• sitting out in the bright/warm sunshine 坐在室外灿烂[温暖]的阳光下.
2. (fig infml 比喻, 口) cheerfulness 快活; 愉快:
• the loss of her closest friend which took the sunshine out of her life 她那最亲密友伴的丧生, 使她在生活中失去欢愉.
3. (Brit infml 口) (used for addressing sb, usu in a cheerful and friendlyway 用作称呼语, 通常表示快活和友好):
Hello, sunshine!喂, 你好!
4. (idm 习语) a ray of sunshine → ray.
■ 7sunshine `roof = sun-roof.

• virile young males 有生殖能力的年轻男子.

having or showing typically masculine strength or energy 具有或显示刚强气概的:
• virile pursuits such as rowing and mountaineering 划船和登山这类富刚强气概的活动
• a virile performance of Othello 奥塞罗这一角色刚强的表现.

■ virility / vI5rIlEtI; vE`rIlEtI/ n [U]

• Up until the war she had never lived alone. 她在战争爆发前从未独自生活过.
(c) comparable with sth 可与某事物相比:
• It's not up to his usual standard. 这次没达到他平时的水平.
(d) capable of sth 有某种能力的; 能胜任:
• He's not up to the part of Othello. 他演不了奥赛罗这个角色.
• I don't feel up to going to work today. 我今天不舒服, 不能上班.
(e) (infml 口) occupied or busy with sth 正在做着或忙於某事物:

★☆☆ us
/ Es; Es strong form 强读式 Qs; Qs/ pers pron (used as the object of a v or of a prep; also used independently and after be 用作动词或介词的宾语; 亦可单独使用, 用於be之後) me and another or others; me and you 我们; 咱们:
• She gave us a washing-machine. 她送给我们一台洗衣机.
• We'll take the dog with us. 我们要带着那条狗去.
Hello, it's us back again! 喂, 是我们回来了! Cf 参看 we.

★☆☆ hello
= hallo.

• the view that greeted us at the top of the hill 在山顶上收入我们眼底的景色.

■ greeting n
1. first words used on seeing sb or in writing to sb; expression or act with which sb is greeted 招呼; 书信开端的称呼; 问候; 欢迎:
• `Hello!' and `Dear Sir' are greetings. ‘喂’和‘敬启者’都是招呼用语.
• exchange, send greetings 互致﹑ 致以问候
  • [attrib 作定语] a `greetings card, ie a decorative card sent at Christmas, on sb's birthday, etc 贺卡(圣诞节﹑ 某人生日等时赠送的装饰性卡片).

★☆☆ condescend
/ 9kCndI5send; 9kBndI`sZnd/ v

[It] (often derog 常作贬义) do sth that one regards as undignified or below one's level of importance 屈尊; 俯就:
• She actually condescended to say hello to me in the street today. 她今天在街上竟能屈尊跟我打招呼.
  • (ironic 反语) Perhaps your father would condescend to help with the washing-up! 令尊大人或可纡尊降贵帮助刷锅洗碗吧!

(a) [I, Tn] choose actors to play parts in (a play, film, etc) 挑选演员扮演(影剧等中的)角色:
• We're casting (the play) next week. 我们下星期挑选(话剧)演员.
(b) [Tn,] ~ sb (as sb); ~ sb (in sth) give sb a part in a play, etc 选派某人扮演戏剧等中的角色:
• He was cast as Othello/cast in the role of Othello. 选派他扮演奥赛罗的角色.

(idm 习语) cast `anchor lower an anchor 抛锚.

★☆☆ mum2
/ mQm; mQm/ (US usu 美式英语通常作 mom/ mCm; mBm/) n (infml 口) mother 妈; 妈妈:
• This is my mum. 这是我妈妈.
Hello, mum! 妈, 你好!

■ bill v
1. [Tn,] ~ sb (for sth) send sb a bill (for sth) 送交某人帐单(要求为某事物付帐):
• I can't pay for the books now. Will you bill me (for them) later? 这些书我现在不能付款, 事後给我寄帐单来好吗?
2. [Tnt esp passive 尤用於被动语态] announce or advertise; put in a programme 宣布; 贴广告; 列入节目单:
• He is billed to (ie It is announced that he will) appear as Othello. 已把他列入节目单内, 将扮演奥赛罗.
■ `billboard n (US) large outdoor board for advertisements; hoarding 露天大广告牌; 大招贴板.
`billfold n (US) = wallet.

  • (fig 比喻) Not a word passed her lips, ie She said nothing. 她一言不发.

[I, Tn] leave (sb/sth) on one side or behind as one goes forward; go past (sb/sth) 越过, 经过(某人[某物]):
• Turn right after passing the Post Office. 过了邮局向右拐.
• She passed me in the street without even saying hello. 她在街上从我身旁走过, 连招呼都不打.
• I pass the church on my way to work. 我上班时经过教堂.
• A car passed (ie overtook) me at 90 mph on the motorway. 在高速公路上有一辆汽车以每小时90英里的速度越过了我.

■ pass over sth ignore or disregard sth; avoid sth 忽略或不理会某事物; 回避某事:
• They chose to pass over her rude remarks. 他们对她的粗话不予理会.
• Sex is a subject he prefers to pass over, eg because it embarrasses him. 关於性这一问题他尽量回避(如因使他尴尬).
pass through go through a town, etc, stopping there for a short time but not staying 经过市镇等(逗留但不长久):
• We came to say hello as we were passing through. 我们路经此镇, 顺便来看你.
■ pass through sth experience (a period of time) 经历(一段时间):
• She passed through a difficult period after her marriage failed. 她婚姻破裂後一度十分困难.

★☆☆ me1
/ mi:; mi/ 见词条使用详细说明6.2. pers pron 人称代词 (used as the object of a v or of a prep; also used independently or after be 用作动词或介词的宾语, 也可独立使用或用於动词be之後) person who is the speaker or writer 我:
• Don't hit me. 别打我.
• Give it to me. 给我.
Hello, it's me. 喂, 是我呀.
• `Who's there?' `Only me.' ‘谁在那儿?’‘只有我.’ Cf 参看 I2.

(a) (used after that + a n for emphasis 用於that+名词之後以加强语气):
• That woman there is 103. 在那儿的那个女人都103岁了.
(b) (used to emphasize a call or greeting 在招唤或寒喧时用以加强语气):
• You there! Come back! 说你呢! 回来!
Hello there! Lovely to see you again! 嘿! 又见到你了, 真高兴!

(idm 习语) 7there and `back to and from a place 往返; 来回:

• I can't ignore his rudeness any longer. 他粗暴无礼, 我再也不能不闻不问了.
• ignore criticism 忽视批评.

deliberately refuse to greet or acknowledge (sb) 对(某人)故意不打招呼﹑ 不予承认或不予理睬:
• I said hello to her, but she ignored me completely! 我向她打招呼, 可她根本不理我!

★☆☆ hallo
(also hello, hullo) / hE5lEU; hE`lo/ interj (used in greeting, or to attract attention or express surprise, or to answer a telephone call 用作打招呼﹑ 引起注意﹑ 表示惊讶或接电话的招呼声:
Hello, how are you? 嘿, 你好吗?
• Hallo, can you hear me? 哎, 你听得见我说的话吗?
• Hullo, hullo, hullo, what's going on here? 喂, 喂, 喂, 这里出了什麽事了?
• Hallo, is that Oxford 56767? 喂, 是牛津区56767吗?

>hallo (also hello, hullo) n (pl ~s) the cry `hallo' 打招呼或惊讶时发出的‘嘿’﹑ ‘哎’﹑ ‘喂’等声音:
• He gave me a cheery hallo. 他高兴地向我打了一下招呼.

I still haven't heard any news – it would be nice to know what's happening. 我还是没有得到任何消息,要是能知道发生了什么事就好了。
It's nice to know that there's someone nearby if she needs help. 知道当她需要帮助的时候有人在她身边就放心了。
5. have a nice day!, [AmE] used to say goodbye to someone, especially to customers in shops and restaurants when they are leaving 谢谢光临! 再见!〔尤用作商店店员、餐厅侍应生向顾客告别时的用语〕
6. nice to meet you, used as a friendly greeting when you meet someone for the first time 很高兴认识你〔初次见面时的礼貌用语〕:
Hello. It's nice to meet you at last. 你好。 终于见到你,我真高兴。
7. (it's been) nice meeting / talking to you, used when you say goodbye to someone you have met for the first time 能认识你真高兴〔初次见面后的告别用语〕
8. NOT NICE 不好的, [BrE] used in a humorous or angry way when you really think that something or someone is not at all good or pleasant 坏的,令人不愉快的:

We'll have to swim across. 我们只好游过去。
We'd got halfway across before Philip realized he'd left his money at home. 我们走到半路菲利普才意识到他把钱忘在家里了。
We gazed across the valley. 我们向山谷那边凝望。
2. towards someone or something on the other side of an area 朝,向〔对面〕:
There's Brendan. Why don't you go across and say hello? 那是布伦丹,你为什么不过去打个招呼呢?
▪ [+ to / at ]
The referee looked across at his linesman before awarding the penalty. 裁判先朝巡边员看了一眼,然后判点球。

Who's that over there?' 'It's Robert Morley.' “那边的人是谁?”“是罗伯特·莫利。”
b. [spoken] used to say who is speaking, especially on the telephone
Hello, it's Frank here. 你好,我是弗兰克。
It's all right, it's only me. 没事,是我而已。
8. [informal] used to refer to sex

17. in the long run / term, used when talking about what will happen at a later time or when something is finished 从长远/长期来看:
All our hard work will be worth it in the long run . 从长远来看,我们的辛苦都是值得的。
18. long shot, someone or something with very little chance of success 成功可能性极小的人(事):
Chelsea are a 20-1 long shot to win the championship. 切尔西队夺冠赔率为 1 比 20 ,希望渺茫。
19. long time no see, [spoken] used humorously to say hello when you have not seen someone for a long time 很久不见〔幽默用法〕
20. take the long view (of sth), to think about the effect that something will have in the future rather than what happens now 从长远考虑,从长计议(某事)
21. a long way, very much, far, or a great amount or degree 很多; 很大程度:

See you soon. Lots of love, Clare. 希望很快能见到你。 深爱你的,克莱尔。
8. (my) love [BrE spoken informal]
a. a word used when you are talking to someone you love 亲爱的〔用于对所爱的人说话时〕;
SYN darling
'Hello, love,' said her father. “你好啊,亲爱的。”她父亲说。
b. a friendly way of talking to someone who you do not know, especially to a woman or child. Many women consider this to be impolite or offensive. 亲爱的〔对陌生人说话的友好方式,尤指对妇女或儿童; 许多女性认为这种说法不礼貌或具冒犯性〕:
What's your name, love? 你叫什么名字,亲爱的?

fatal flaw ( = a weakness that makes something certain to fail )
3. a fault in someone's character
Jealousy is Othello's major flaw. 嫉妒是奥赛罗的主要缺点。
the President's character flaws 总统性格上的缺陷

3. QUICKLY PUT STH 迅速放置某物, [T always + adv / prep] especially [BrE] informal to quickly put something somewhere, usually for a short time 迅速地放置:
pop sth in / around / over etc
I'll just pop these cakes into the oven. 我把这些蛋糕放进烤箱就好。
pop sth round sth [BrE] :
Barry popped his head round the door to say hello. 巴里从门口探进头来问好。
4. SHORT SOUND 短促的声音, [I,T] to make a short sound like a small explosion, or to make something do this (使)噼啪作响:
The wood sizzled and popped in the fire. 木头在火中时而发出咝咝声,时而噼啪作响。

One of these buttons has come undone . 其中的一粒纽扣松开了。
2. not finished 未完成的:
The washing-up had been left undone . 餐具留着没洗。
3. [old use] destroyed and without hope 毁掉的; 完蛋了的:
In the end, Othello is undone by his jealousy. 最后,奥赛罗被自己的嫉妒心毁了。

say sth to sb
What did you say to her? 你对她说了什么?
a terrible / silly / strange etc thing to say
What a silly thing to say! 这话说得多傻!
say hello / goodbye / thank you etc ( = say something to greet someone, thank someone etc )
She left without saying goodbye. 她不辞而别。

⇨ when all's said and done at ALL ¹ (17)
say, tell, give, ask:
You use say when you are mentioning someone's exact words. 提到某人的原话用 say:
'Hello,' she said. “你好。”她说。
Someone said, 'Let's go!' 有人说 “我们走吧!”
Say can be followed by 'that'. say 后面可以跟 that:

Say can be followed by 'something', 'anything', 'nothing', or 'so'. say 后面可以跟 something,anything,nothing 或 so:
Did you say something? 你说什么了吗?
Nobody dared to say anything. 没人敢说什么。
You have to come – Dad said so. 你一定得来 — 这是爸爸说的。
It can also be followed by 'goodbye' or 'hello'. say 后面也可以跟 goodbye 或 hello:
I'll just go and say hello to David. 我去和戴维打个招呼。
Apart from these uses, say is not normally followed by an object. For example, it cannot be followed by 'a story', 'a lie', 'some information', or 'an answer'. 除了这些用法,say 后面一般不跟宾语,例如不可跟 a story,a lie,some information 或 an answer。
You tell a story, a joke, a lie, or the truth. 讲故事、讲笑话、说谎或说出真相,动词要用 tell:

★☆☆ operator
op·e·ra·tor / ˈɑpəˌretə ; ˈɔpəreɪtə /
→noun [C]
1. someone who works on a telephone SWITCHBOARD , who you can call for help 电话接线员:
Hello, operator? Could you put me through to Room 31? 喂,接线员吗?请帮我接 31 号房间。
2. someone who operates a machine or piece of equipment

remember, remind:
You remember someone or something from a time in the past. remember 指记得认识的人或过去发生的事:
I remember playing there when I was little. 我记得小时候在那儿玩过。
Hello, do you remember me? 你好,还记得我吗?
You also remember information or things that you must do. remember 还指记得某些信息或必须做的事情:
I can't remember what time he's arriving. 我不记得他什么时候会到。

She raised her hand in greeting. 她举起手来打招呼。
I smiled a polite greeting, but the woman hardly acknowledged me. 我笑着客气地打了个招呼,可是那女人都没有搭理我。
The two cousins exchanged greetings (=greeted each other) . 表兄妹俩互相问候。
2. birthday / Christmas etc greetings, a message saying that you hope someone will be happy and healthy on their BIRTHDAY , at Christmas etc 生日/圣诞等的贺词
3. greetings!, [old use] used to say hello to someone 你好!

★☆☆ annotate
an·no·tate / ˈænəˌtet ; ˈænəteɪt /
→verb [T usually passive]
1. to add short notes to a book or piece of writing to explain parts of it 给…作注释(注解):
an annotated edition of 'Othello' 《奥赛罗》的注释本
—annotation / ˌænəˈteʃən ; ˌænəˈteɪʃən / noun [C,U]

★☆☆ greet
greet / grit ; gri:t /
→verb [T]
1. to say hello to someone or welcome them 问候,迎接,招呼:
Belinda greeted her warmly. 贝琳达热情地招呼她。
greet sb with sth

50. keep perfect / good etc time, if a clock keeps good time, it always shows the correct time
51. PRISON 监狱, do time to spend a period of time in prison 坐牢,服刑:
Paul was doing time for burglary. 保罗因入室盗窃罪在监狱服刑。
52. pass the time of day (with sb), to say hello to someone and have a short talk with them (与某人)打招呼,(与某人)寒暄:
People like to pass the time of day with neighbours. 人们喜欢和邻居寒暄。
53. time was (when), used to say that there was a time when you used to be able to do something, when something used to happen etc 曾经有一个时候…:

ti·tle / ˈtaɪtl ; ˈtaɪtl /
→noun1. [C] the name given to a particular book, painting, play etc
▪ [+ of ]
The title of this play is 'Othello'. 这部剧的标题是《奥赛罗》。
2. [C] a book

2. be no stranger to sth, to have had a lot of a particular kind of experience 有过很多某事的经历,对某事并不陌生:
a politician who is no stranger to controversy 对争论习以为常的政客
3. someone in a new and unfamiliar place 异乡人; 外地人; 新来者:
'Where's the station?' 'Sorry, I'm a stranger here myself.' “车站在哪里?”“对不起,我自己也不是本地人。”
4. Hello, stranger!, [spoken] used to greet someone who you have not seen for a long time 你好,陌生人! 嗨,久违了!〔用于跟好久不见的人打招呼〕
5. don't be a stranger!, [spoken] used when someone is leaving to invite them back to see you soon 别一走就杳无音讯!

speak / spik ; spi:k /
→verb past tense spoke /spok; spk/ past participle spoken /'spokn; 'spkn/
1. IN CONVERSATION 在会话中[I always + adv/prep] to talk to someone about something 谈话,交谈:
[+ to ] I spoke to her last Wednesday. 上星期三我和她谈过了。
'Hello, may I speak to Jim Smith?' 'Yes, speaking.' (=used on the telephone) “喂,请让吉姆·史密斯听电话好吗?”“喂,我就是。”
I know her by sight, but not to speak to (=not well enough to talk to her). 我只是认得她,但没跟她说过话。
speak to sb about sth I haven't spoken to Steve about all this. 我还没跟史蒂夫谈过此事。

★☆☆ welcome
wel·come¹ / ˈwɛlkəm ; ˈwelkəm /
→verb [T]
1. to say hello in a friendly way to someone who has just arrived 迎接,欢迎〔刚到达的人〕;
SYN greet
I must be there to welcome my guests. 我必须在那里迎接我的客人。

→interjection1. used to greet someone who has just arrived 欢迎〔用于对刚刚到达的人表示欢迎〕:
▪ [+ to ]
Welcome to London! 欢迎到伦敦来!
Welcome back – it's good to see you again. 欢迎回来 — 很高兴又见到了你。
Hello, welcome home . 嗨,欢迎回家。

★☆☆ whassup, wassup
whas·sup, wassup / ˈwɑsəp ; ˈwɔsʌp / [informal]
1. used to say 'hello' to people you know very well – used especially by young people 你好〔尤为年轻人使用〕

★☆☆ hey
hey / he ; heɪ /
→interjection1. a shout used to get someone's attention or to show surprise, interest, or annoyance 嘿,喂〔用来引起注意或表示惊讶、兴趣或恼怒的喊声〕:
Hey, wait a minute! 喂,等一下!
2. [informal] hello 嘿,喂,你好:
Hey, what's up? 嘿,怎么了?

★☆☆ hi
hi / haɪ ; haɪ /
→interjection [informal]
1. hello 哈啰,你好,喂,嘿:
Hi! How are you? 嘿! 你好吗?
Hi there! I haven't seen you for ages. 嘿! 好久不见。

I've got out of the habit of practising my saxophone. 我已经没有练习萨克斯管的习惯了。
Try to break the habit of adding salt to your food at the table. 要尽量改掉在餐桌上往食物里加盐的习惯。
Why break the habit of a lifetime and start being cautious now? 为什么改掉多年的习惯,开始变得小心谨慎了?
Some people drink alcohol as much from habit as from desire. 有些人喝酒既是出于习惯也是出于欲望。
'Hello, Miss Smith.' – 'I'm Mrs Jones now.' – 'Sorry, force of habit. ' “你好,史密斯小姐。”“我现在是琼斯太太了。”“对不起,叫习惯了。”
the spending habits of the average British woman 普通英国妇女的消费习惯
2. DRUGS 毒品, [C] a strong physical need to keep taking a drug regularly 毒瘾:

★☆☆ hallo
hal·lo / həˈlo ; həˈləʊ /
→interjection1. an old-fashioned British spelling of HELLO hello 的过时英式拼法

★☆☆ hiya
hi·ya / ˈhaɪjə ; ˈhaɪjə /
→interjection [informal]
1. used to say hello 你好

6. BESIDE 在旁边, beside or near something 靠近,在…旁边:
She stood by the window. 她站在窗边。
Jane went and sat by Patrick. 简走过去坐在帕特里克身旁。
7. PAST 经过, past someone or something without stopping 经过:
He walked right by me without even saying hello. 他从我身边走过,连招呼都不打。
I pass by the farm every day on my way to work. 我每天上班都要经过这个农场。
8. BEFORE 在…之前, before or not later than a particular time 在…之前,不迟于:

→adjective [only before noun]
1. at, on, or in the front of something (在)前面的; 前部的;
OPP back
Two of his front teeth had been knocked out. 他有两颗门牙被打落了。
the front cover of 'Hello!' magazine 《Hello!》杂志的封面
the front wheel of his bicycle 他自行车的前轮
the dog's front legs 狗的前腿

★☆☆ golden hello
ˌgolden hel'lo
→noun [C] [BrE informal]
1. a large amount of money that is given to a new employee, in order to persuade them not to go to work for another organization
New teachers are given golden hellos. 新来的老师都获得了丰厚的见面礼。

★☆☆ good afternoon
good ˌafter'noon
→interjection [formal]
1. used to say hello when you are greeting someone in the afternoon, especially someone you do not know 下午好〔尤用于和不认识的人打招呼〕;
⇨ good evening , good morning

★☆☆ goodbye
good·bye / gudˈbaɪ ; gʊdˈbaɪ /
→interjection1. used when you are leaving someone, or when they are leaving 再见;
hello :
Goodbye, John, see you tomorrow. 再见,约翰,明天见。
I just have to say goodbye to Jane. 我得跟简道别。

★☆☆ good day
good 'day [old-fashioned especially BrE]
1. used to say hello or goodbye, especially in the morning or afternoon 日安,你好; 再见〔尤用于上午或下午打招呼或道别〕:
I must get back. Good day to you . 我得回去了,再见。

★☆☆ good evening
good 'evening
→interjection [formal]
1. used to say hello when you are greeting someone in the evening, especially someone you do not know 晚上好〔尤用于和不认识的人打招呼〕;
⇨ good afternoon , good morning , good night

★☆☆ good morning
good 'morning
→interjection [formal]
1. used to say hello when you are greeting someone in the morning 早上好;
⇨ good afternoon , good evening

I refuse to go and that's that! 我不去,就这么定了!
There's no money left, so that's that. 没钱了,所以就这样定了。
11. used when you are not sure who is answering the telephone 那〔用于你不确定是谁接的电话时〕:
Hello, is that Joan Murphy? 喂! 是琼·墨菲吗?
12. and (all) that, [BrE] and similar things 等等; 以及诸如此类的事物:
I knew he was interested in computers and all that. 我知道他喜欢计算机什么的。

The final whistle was greeted with triumphant cheers from players and spectators. 终场的哨声迎来了运动员和观众胜利的欢呼。
2. three cheers for sb!, [spoken] used to tell a group of people to shout three times as a way of showing support, happiness, thanks etc 给某人三声欢呼!:
Three cheers for the birthday girl! 给寿星三声欢呼!
3. [U] [formal] a feeling of happiness and confidence 快乐自信的情绪:
'Hello,' said Auguste cheerily. His good cheer was not returned. “你好啊!”奥古斯特愉快地招呼道,但他的愉快情绪没有得到回应。
Christmas cheer 圣诞节的欢快气氛
4. [C] a special CHANT (=phrase that is repeated) that the crowds at a US sports game shout in order to encourage their team to win

3. ACROSS 穿越
a. from one side of an object, space, or area to the other side 从…的一边到另一边,穿越:
There are only three canoes so some people will have to swim over. 仅有三艘独木舟,所以一部分人得游过去。
The wall was crumbling where children had climbed over. 这堵墙孩子们爬过的地方快崩坍了。
I went over (=crossed the room, street etc) to say hello, but Vincent didn't recognize me. 我走过去打招呼,但文森特没有认出我。
▪ [+ to ]
We flew over to the US to visit my Aunt Polly. 我们飞往美国去探望波莉姨妈。

★☆☆ hullo
hul·lo / həˈlo ; hʌˈləʊ /
→interjection [especially BrE]
1. another spelling of HELLO hello 的另一种拼法

★☆☆ howdy
how·dy / ˈhaudɪ ; ˈhaʊdi /
→interjection [AmE informal]
1. hello 你好

★☆☆ Shalom
Sha·lom / ʃæˈlom ; ʃæˈlɔm /
→interjection1. a Hebrew word used to say hello or goodbye 喂,你好; 再见〔希伯来语,用来打招呼或道别〕

★☆☆ forced
forced / fɔrst ; fɔ:st /
→adjective1. a forced smile, laugh etc is not natural or sincere
'Oh, hello,' said Eileen, with forced brightness. “啊,你好。”艾琳装出一副高兴的样子说道。
2. [only before noun] done suddenly and quickly because the situation makes it necessary, not because it was planned or wanted 被迫的:
The plane had to make a forced landing in a field. 飞机不得不迫降在一块农田上。

in sb's lap
His hands were folded in his lap. 他双手合拢,放在腿上。
2. a single journey around a race track
Rubens Barrichello finished a lap ahead of his team-mate. 鲁本斯·巴里切罗领先队友一圈跑完全程。
lap of honour [BrE] / victory lap [AmE] (=a lap to celebrate winning)〔优胜者的〕绕场一周:
The entire team took a victory lap in front of their cheering fans. 全队在欢呼的球迷面前绕场一周庆祝胜利。

She had this trick of raising her eyebrows at the end of a question. 她有一个习惯,每次提问完了总要扬一下眉毛。
13. never miss a trick, [spoken] to always know exactly what is happening even if it does not concern you 对所发生的事无所不晓(了如指掌):
Dave's found out. He never misses a trick, does he? 戴夫已经发现了,什么都瞒不过他,是不是?
14. how's tricks?, [old-fashioned spoken] used to greet someone in a friendly way 近来如何?〔用于寒暄〕:
Hello, Bill! How's tricks? 你好,比尔! 近来怎么样?
15. SEX 性, [AmE old-fashioned informal] someone who pays a PROSTITUTE to have sex 嫖客:
turn a trick ( = to have sex with someone for money )

2. MANNER 方式, [C] the manner or style in which someone does something or in which something happens
Look at the way he's dressed! 看看他的打扮!
in a ... way
'Hello,' he said in a friendly way. “你好。”他友好地说。
Maria got up and took a shower in a leisurely way. 玛丽亚起了床,不慌不忙地洗了个淋浴。
(in) this / that way

★☆☆ hello
hel·lo / həˈlo ; həˈləʊ /
→interjection & noun [C] also hallo, hullo [BrE]
1. used as a greeting when you see or meet someone 喂,哈啰,你好〔问候语〕:
Hello, John! How are you? 喂,约翰! 你好吗?
Stanley, come and say hello to your nephew. 斯丹利,过来和你的侄子打声招呼。
Well, hello there ! I haven't seen you for ages. 嗨,你好! 好久不见了。
2. used when answering the telephone or starting a telephone conversation 喂〔打电话用的招呼语〕:
Hello – may I speak to Anne? 喂,请问安妮在吗?
3. used when calling to get someone's attention 喂〔用以引起他人的注意〕:
Hello! Is there anybody home? 喂! 屋里有人吗?
4. used when you think someone is not acting sensibly or has said something stupid 喔唷〔表示认为别人行为不明智或说话愚蠢〕:
You didn't remember her birthday? Hello! 你不记得她的生日啦?喔唷!
5. [BrE] used to show that you are surprised or confused by something 嘿〔表示惊讶或不解〕:
Hello! What's happened here? 嘿! 出什么事了?
6. say hello, to have a quick conversation with someone 打招呼:
Promise you'll look in and say hello when you have time. 答应我,有时间的话来看看我,打个招呼。

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